kenbert wrote:
schlep1967 wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
I Believe the Disney parks advertise themselves as a family adventure and they charge per person. Same with restaurants that serve food "family Style". There is no way a park or any other business could separate out who is family and who is not, with friends, neighbors, etc. And what if Great grandma and grandpa brought his 3 kids and spouses who each brought their 3 kids and spouses who each brought their 3 kids, that would be 53 people, all constituting a "family unit" by your definition. And continuing with your political correctness, should the park ask to see marriage certificates, birth certificates, civil union documents and the like at check in?
At least at my parks you won't run into that problem. No where on our websites or advertising do we ever use the phrase "family campground" so I assume at my parks our $5.00 per person fee for over two people is fine with everyone. Apparently it is all in the wording.
I can see your point. And I feel it would be reasonable to put a cap on the "included" in the price of the site. But charging per head for more than 2 people is just not going to assure future users of your campgrounds. Make it anything over four, that seems reasonable, and a family of 5 is not slammed with $15 a night extra charge. So more families can afford to camp and more children get introduced to camping. And there you build the future customer base.
In Fort Wilderness you pay for the site up to six people no xtra charge. Campgrounds are not an amusement park, and I will not stay in a campground that charges extra for children.
So what does Fort Wilderness do if you have 5 children, hence seven people in the site? Charge for the seventh, hence charging for children, and therefore Fort Wilderness is not a park you would stay in? Or do they just refuse the reservation and therefore forbid large families from staying in their park? You just take the selfish view of "if it works for me, fine" and I then you can climb onto your high horse and preach about how other policies are wrong. Simple fact is there is no policy that can work for all situations. Let in parties of 8, the party of one feels they are getting the shaft. Charge for extra people, the big parties feel put upon.