Trail Runner wrote:
GM owners manual, confirmed with a GM Rep. says max trailer of 9500 lbs and max combination weight of 15,000 lbs. WD hitch weight of 1000 lbs
Trailer stickers says trailer is 6662 dry weight with appox 1900 lbs cargo. Which puts it roughly 8562 lbs. Another sticker on outside of trailer says GVW of 9000 lbs. and a hitch weight of 642 lbs. Curb weight of truck is 5365 lbs. With those numbers it seems it would be fine. With cargo weight added and using 10% figure of hitch weight, should be around 850 lbs.
10% is low, needs to be closer to 13% to avoid sway. That will put you VERY close to the hitch capacity.
PULLING is not the issue so much as CARRYING the tongue weight plus everything in the truck. What does the sticker on your driver's door frame say about "occupant and cargo must not exceed xxxx"?
I suggest you do some more math!