Old-Biscuit wrote:
Dutch_12078 wrote:
Most RV parks with "No unattended pets" rules refer to leaving the pet tied up outside of the RV, but some do include leaving them inside as well. It's worth checking with the office to make sure you're in compliance before leaving them if the rule is not clear. Whenever we left our dog in the coach for more than an hour or so, we always made sure the park office had our cell numbers, and we usually gave them to a neighbor as well, just in case any issues came up while we were away.
Did you leave the door unlocked?
Depending on the area, the door was either left unlocked or we left a key with the office or a neighbor if we were comfortable with them. In the 16 years our dog RV'ed with us, we never had any issue with her. We were accused by a park manager last spring though, of letting her run loose and threaten people the day after we arrived at a new park. When I showed him the vet bill from just a week earlier where we had paid for her cremation, the park manager was very apologetic. Apparently someone else's off leash dog had run under our coach while we were away, so people assumed it was ours without checking first, and complained.