Forum Discussion

DABZ's avatar
Nov 18, 2015

Keeping pets cool while you're away

We will be traveling with our pets in possibly very high temperatures, and as we're total newbies, want to make sure we're taking proper steps. Is it necessary to have 2 ac units or is 1 sufficient? We know to keep the shades down and all that but we'll be away for up to 8 hrs at a time and need to make sure our pets are safe in case of a malfunction or power outage. TIA!
  • WHY are you leaving them alone in RV for up to 8 hours?

    Power outage........NO A/C

    Do you have an 'auto' start generator?
    Will your A/C Unit reset/restart when power is restored?

    IF you are just going 'camping' then make arrangements to leave them home
    IF you are Full Timing.....make arrangements for alternative AC Power source and A/C restart OR place them in a kennel/day care when you CAN'T take them
  • Dogs-
    Suggest you do a test run on leaving your dogs. Drive away for about 15 min. and then come back and listen to hear if your dog is barking and barking!!! You may not hear your dog barking when you are gone but your RV neighbors will have to listen to the barking for 8 hours!!!! Some will report the barking to the RV Park manager and it is possible that a complaint will be sent to the local police:(.
    Most of my RV friends make arrangements with other RVers staying in the park to come by every couple of hours to check on the dog:)
  • We are very careful the the high temperature issue and traveling with our dogs.
    Doesn't matter if you have 10 air conditioners, if the power fails the inside of your RV will get very hot...We have camped in upwards of 115 degrees outside temps...not fun and not safe.

    If it's really hot, we either take the dogs with us when we leave our trailer or we find a local kennel, dog day care or even a local vet to board them for the day while we are out exploring.