Horsedoc wrote:
How do you know? The folks parked next to you who are trying to relax or sleep or have an outside lunch might disagree with you.
You know, because you talk to those neighbors upon returning and ask if they heard any barking. Unless they are for some reason lying and saying they didn't hear anything when they did.
We leave our dog in the motorhome (and trailer when we had one) sometimes. It's not my preference, but there's a lot of places dogs are not allowed to go. If it's hot I'll run the air conditioning. She's not in a crate, but is happy to just lie around waiting for us. It's possible she panics and barks when we're gone, but in asking neighbors we've never had anyone say they heard anything. Usually she's right there on the couch where she was when we left lol.
I'm sure it's very dog dependent. Ours is fine alone in the motorhome.