Seattle Steve wrote:
Lantley wrote:
Seattle Steve wrote:
CFerguson wrote:
I dont think ive ever been in a pay campground that allows any dog to be left unattended, inside or out.
I personally would never leave my Akita(who truly doesnt bark- its an Akita Thang). Yes, it can limit me, but that is part of the responsibility i voluntarily took on when I acquired him.
It is so nice to hear a voice of reason in a sea of delusional dog owners...
Delusional is the idea you cannot leave your dog alone/unattended. My dog stays home every work day by himself for 6-8 hours. He is capable of staying alone at the CG as well.
Thanks for yet another example of
Delusional can be quickly remedied by owning a well behaved dog.
We have several camp hosts that look forward to visiting our's about owner responsibility.