CFerguson wrote:
If this thread has done one thing for me, it has shown me the absolute arrogance and lack of concern for some people's dogs. While i have never reported anyone in a CG, that is going to change when i see dogs not being properly cared for. Thank you all for you input.
The hypocrisy of naming the arrogance of another in such a self-righteously arrogant post is mind-numbing to me.
I am convinced that most every campground that has a 'no dogs left behind' rule has it so that they have a basis on which to deal with a camper whose dog is problematic in some way. A dog resting comfortably and quietly in an RV is no one's business, and that campground doesn't want to deal with your pointless complaints.
If you see active abuse of an animal in any circumstance - report it. If a dog is left behind, contrary to campground rules, and it is being particularly bothersome - report it.
Otherwise, MYOB and stop walking around as though you know what is best for everyone and everything else in the world.