Deb and Ed M wrote:
04fxsts wrote:
Our dogs are not big barkers but will bark when someone or something is close to the MH. We have a sound activated device that puts out an ultrasonic sound when activated. A couple barks and that is all, they quit. Before we leave I show it to them and that usually keeps them quiet. Jim.
These ultrasonic devices are so effective (and handy) and you can buy them for $25 or so, that I can't believe everyone doesn't own at least one (and yes, the dogs recognize your ability to punish them from a distance....LOL!) Even for people who don't own dogs, but want to exact stealthy revenge on those rude enough to let their dogs yap endlessly ;-)
We have on on an 85lb mixed breed dog. If he randomly barks, it goes off and he thinks about it. But, if he sees something he wants to run and bark at, all bets are off. He will run in our back yard, fence line to fence line barking the entire time with the thing vibrating, making noise, and shocking him. He doesn't care if hes overly excited about what he is barking at...