Doubt you will find any campground that will allow you to leave any dog unattended outside - simply not accepted (potential for problems is just too high). Most do not allow any dog left unattended at any time - even inside. That's because too many, unbeknown to the owner) DO bark! They are not in their normal habitat, surrounded by the unknown, experiencing different sensory elements than they are used to. It is far too common for 'dogs that don't bark' to be overwhelmed when in a campground. We have been RVing for over 45 years and far too often walk by a camper with a dog left inside (safely) and the poor thing is clearly overwhelmed.The barking, whining, crying is constant and sad. We were in a CG outside of Savannah with a very nice Motorhome next door. They had 2 dogs. When the couple left, the air conditioning was on, we could hear a radio/tv playing, and all the blinds were drawn. It took less than 2 minutes for the smaller dog to begin frantically running in laps around the windshield, behind the curtain covering the windows, looking terrified. It was barking, panting with it's tongue hanging out, desperately trying to find a way out. The larger dog was barking loudly as well - as if trying to tell the small one to 'chill', or because it too was becoming frightened. This continued for over 4 hours until the couple returned. We told them what had happened, and they proceeded to tell us we were 'wrong', that their dogs were 'used to being left alone in the rig' and that we had completely overreacted to the situation.
The next day, right after they left, the exact same thing happened. This time, we contacted the CG management and asked them to witness what we were observing. When the couple returned, they again denied reality. Their dogs 'were good dogs who had no problem being alone'. The couple was told that was not the case and were warned not to leave them alone again or they would be asked/told to leave.
Yep, day 3, same as days 1 & 2. This time, the management checked on their own when they realized the couple's toad was not at the site. The poor dogs were again agitated. When the couple returned, they were told to leave. They were very, very angry at us for 'lying' and continued to deny the truth.
I cannot imagine this exact scenario did not repeat itself elsewhere! Very few dog owners are so arrogant, so ignorant or so rude. Most care deeply for the welfare of their beloved pets and we have never experienced any like this couple at any other time. Many ask if their pets barked while they were away. If we heard them do so, we were honest. No one else has ever had a problem with that.
I might suggest that you do a 'trial run' with your dog if possible. Open up the camper, go inside with him/her, and then leave the dog there. Be out of sight, or maybe ask a neighbor to check after you actually leave. Sitting outside the RV with the dog inside may not be enough of a test. If the dog reacts positively, doesn't bark, seem agitated or upset, you could well be fine. He will be in a different environment, and you can determine how he will react. Just a thought.