20acreheaven wrote:
This is my first post, go easy....
The wife and I decided to ditch the rental and get a TT to live on our property while going through the building process. We currently have no utilities and expect to be a year to 18 months without any hookups. I'm opening myself up to a broad array of topics here, but looking for any advice I can get. A few things specifically:
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1. As much as I wanted a metal shelter, it just isn't feasible for a temporary location, so we're planning to leave it out in the open with a metal carport serving as a patio. Are there extra maintenance steps I should take since the popout will be extended the entire time?
2. Pest control - found a product called Mouse Free online and being in a wooded area I'm seriously considering applying it. Figure I'll thoroughly inspect the underside and plug any holes with steel wool and try to illuminate the outside somehow. Anyone ever have a problem with yellowjackets though?
3. Thinking of pulling the toilet and placing a composting toilet in the bathroom. If anyone's ever done that I'd love to hear how it went. I really don't want to drag it into town every few weeks to dump the black tank and if I used a portable tank I'd have to get it up in the truck to use the nearest neighbor's septic.
4. For power I'm planning on a Champion dual fuel 3800 W generator and a small solar kit for the batteries (TT has a furrion outlet pre-wired) Noise isn't an issue and I figure the tv is the only thing I need to worry about "dirty" power with, hoping a UPS will prevent any damage the few times we watch tv.
Any tips and advice or things I haven't thought of are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Been there done that
Bought 3 acress,,drilled a well,the old fashioned way,long hard proces
That includes pounding 3" galvanized pipe into the ground,,using huge heavy metal donut like shape driver,then using smaller holow pipe with chisel at the end and pumping water in you simply lift ram it down and turn until it drills thru the hard rock..
Borowed electric pump and power line from my neighbor who drilled his well this way also,long time back..
Was lucky to hit water 24 feet down..
Lived in a nearby farm house while cutting trees down and building my log structure,,actualy stackwall that can use any shape size logs about foot long set into cement,
leaving vertical space in the midle of the wall for insulation and electrical wire..
So the finished wall has concrete and logs facing inside and outside,
Lay stucco on the outside and inside too..later on to protect the logs from weather..
Had power conected when finished,,was using mostly woodstove for heat in winter as there was lots of trees around..
Built outhouse 100 feet away from the well,,
Did septic later,,had the permit for it before starting though,,