LewBob wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
Sorry. But if I get there first, pay first,and set up first, I have no obligation to think of taking a less desirable site because MAYBE some bigger unit will need the site.
I paid for it and have every right to the site of my choice, of those available, big or small. If you need an larger site, plan ahead and make a reservation.
Absolutely no obligation. That said, when we camp we consider the site size among other attributes. All things being approximately equal, we take the smaller site, being considerate (no extra cost).
All other things equal among the sites, I agree.
I do the same thing with my handicap tag. If the parking lot is smaller and the walk is short, like an office or store front compared to a big box store, I will walk. If it is within my limited range, I will not take the handicapped spot, although I have the right to.
I can't help but think maybe someone is worse off physically, and will need it more than I.