Forum Discussion

Completenoob's avatar
Feb 27, 2015

Need RV trip recommendations

We're a family of 5 from NYC, and would like to go on our first ever RV trip, for 10-14 days this coming June (2nd or 3rd week). We'd like to see as much wildlife as possible.

Would really appreciate some perspective from the experienced members here:

1. Where should we go? We initially considered Yellowstone, but have read that it's not ideal for RVs, especially ones over 30'.

2. Which RV should we get? (we're beginners traveling with kids including a 3 year old, so need some luxury - preferably a fully stocked, comfy RV, and only fully hooked-up RV parks for destination).
  • I would agree with the suggestion that you plan to rent one for a long weekend or two somewhere near home and just learn how they work, how they drive, how you and the family fit inside.

    You could easily drive to somewhere near the Delaware Water Gap, rent a large Class C or small Class A and spend time in any one of several full service RV parks where there would be somebody to advise you when things come up that you need to learn about. And they will!

    We often recommend that families new to RVing spend the first couple of weekends camped in their driveways. That isn't reasonable in NYC, but the closer to home you are, the easier it is to deal with the unexpected.
  • Thanks - I wasn't clear - we were planning to fly to the West Coast and rent an RV near Yellowstone if that's where we end up going.
  • Yellowstone is way too far for a 10-14 day trip. It's about 2,400 miles each way. Essentially you would get there just in time to turn around and head back. Flying out and renting an RV closer in would save time, but at additional cost.

    I would suggest staying within a 1 to 2 day driving distance from home for a first RV experience. Our first trip with the RV we went down to Cape May and took the ferry from there to Lewes DE and stayed a couple of nights at Assateague National Seashore. No hookups there but there are private campgrounds with hookups only a few miles away. We continued down to Williamsburg and then went on down to the North Carolina Outer Banks.

    As already suggested, Acadia in Maine is good too.

    I doubt you will see much in the way of wildlife anywhere near the east coast. There are semi-wild horses at Assateague.
  • Rent one close to where you want to go. The time frame is just too short to find an RV you like that will work for you, plan a trip and have it come out as a positive experience for all.

    RV Share

    I suggest non-coastal Maine.
  • Rent a CLASS-C motor home and just start driving South on the Blue Ridge parkway. 5 days down and 5 days back, you could easily make it to North Carolina and back. You could easily make it to the Ashville area (West end of North Carolina) is chocked full of mountains activities. You have to drive a little, but well worth it. If you take the right roads and speed is your "thing", there is always Shenandoah National Park too in Virginia. The distance is about right for 10 days.
  • Why not consider a trip to the Adirondacks area. Yellowstone will be a lot of driving with 3 kids and only a 10 - 14 day time frame.

    Another suggestion would be Cape Cod area or Acadia National Park in Maine.