ChiefAndSweetie wrote:
Just purchased a 2013 Flagstaff 205 pop-up and would like to tow with my Chevy Traverse that didn’t come with tow pkg. I want to make sure I can tow the pop-up before I get a hitch added. Owners manual says towing capacity is 2000 and camper dry weight is 1900. I’m sure it’s not that simple and was hoping some experienced campers could advise?
I am hating to say this,but you are under vehicled. I see no way to make that combination work if your numbers are correct.
Open your drivers door, there will be a sticker, either on the door it self or the sill.
It will say something to the effect of "Weight of all cargo and passengers shall not exceed xxxx" And that means everything, from your cooler to spanky to the chicken nuggets under the seat.
Your empty trailer will be putting a bit over two hundred pounds of weight on your hitch before batteries and propane.
I know I am just some guy on the interwebs,but I would not operate that combination.