$1,200 per month for a parking spot is too much. Parking on public land (BLM) in the desert is free or extremely cheap.
Honestly, I applaud your thoroughness but I think you are way over thinking this. Think of it as an adventure, it isn't about dollars and cents. Don't lose many dollars worth of memories by pinching pennies.
There are lots of websites about living cheaply in an RV. Here are a couple to get you started;
http://cheaprvliving.com/http://vandwellers.org/StukInTexas wrote:
...I am counting selling the stuff at the end of the year...and I expect at least a potential $9,000 loss, but perhaps I can get it down to $5000 loss.....
It isn't a loss anymore than rent payment, groceries, or a mortgage payment is a loss. It is merely the expense of living. I don't see why you can't get a used trailer and sell it after a year for virtually the same thing you paid. Purchase from a private seller and sell to a private buyer.