happy2rv wrote:
I'm not even sure how to address the absolute lunacy of the statement: "A truck stop isn’t a place to camp or a place to slide out your slideouts unless you want to lose them. I’ve known “drivers” who actually get a thrill from ripping off the sides of slides….The trucker who pulled in beside you was sending you a message and you would have been wise to roll it up and move on.” I don't care where I'm parked as long as it's legal, any trucker that hits me while I'm legally parked better have REALLY good insurance and, if there's even a shred of evidence to support that it was intentional,
Yea, that's a classic case of a "writer" pulling stories out of, well lets be polite and say his hat. My son is the safety director of a large construction and trucking company. Standard protocol for any accident is. You immediately shut down and call it in. You stay with the rig until a company official can get to you. You are driven to an approved location for a drug test. Refuse the test, lose your CDL. Fail the test, lose your CDL. At that point the company man reviews your history, and the accident, and if it is investigated by local LEOs, discusses the situation with the investigators. IF, you are squeaky clean, drug free, and an asset to the company, you can take a hit or two on your record, if you screwed up and are at fault in an accident. If not, you are fired. Your driving record is critical, and most legitimate firms will need to see your entire CDL and company history before hiring you in a new gig. Bottom line, 99.99999% of all drivers in a big rig would avoid intentionally doing damage to anything, anywhere, as it's a great way to make it your last day on the job, and make it much harder to find a new one.