a64armt wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
In my opinion people are wasting there time and money with Pops's RVs. When I was looking all of the units I would've been interested in were over priced by a lot. And as you are finding out getting a straight answer is difficult if not impossible! I'm sure they are legit, but they make the buying process and getting info difficult.
That has been my initial impression as well, even after 1 unit. Their offer is 3 pages and, there is a buyers fee of $389. I was just looking for a verbal on how far apart we were on price, which would ensure I don’t waste their time (or mine).
I am hesitant to sign any contract, I may just walk away from this one.
Ya, I have never looked that far into it. But if they are expecting me to pay them for me to buy someone’s RV then there is no deal!
I hope people that search for Pop’s RV come across this post in their searches and realize what a waste of time and money it is for them.