Camp chef via an online chat told me that they have an adaptor to use low pressure hookup. When it came it was basically the fitting that the regulator is attached to that screws into the grill. That fitting then screws into a hose sold by camp chef that has a male quick connect on the other end to plug into the camper on the other side. They told me that the grill will function very well as long as I don't go any longer than the 8 foot hose that I purchased. Have not used yet. But the grill looks great in my garage lol. Very well built and huge surface area. Will fire it up to test once the three feet of snow melts off my camper cover. I like the fact that the conversion to low pressure required no modification. Plus I did not have to tamper with pieces of the regulator fitting rendering it useless. I basically have the ability to run the grill off low or high pressure (bottle or get an adaptor hose for a separate tank) now depending on the situation.