A dog barking is one thing, but how about blowing the horn? I was in a campsite that was one of 10 clustered around a circle, like the face of a clock, so those at the bottom of the circle faced back to one of the interior campground roads. There was a small dog left alone in a Sprinter-based RV next to me, who sat in the driver’s seat watching the road. Any time someone passed by walking a dog, the dog in the RV excitedly jumped up & down in the seat, barking a bit, but also hitting the horn with its front paws each time.
Not that many dogs went by, maybe 4 or 5 in 2-3 hours, and the horn blowing only lasted 30 seconds or so each time, so I was mostly amused, but it might have been different if there were more dog traffic, or a dog in one of the other campsites that remained in view for a longer period. I was away from the campground when the owners returned, and they left the next morning, so I never found out if they were aware of their dog’s unique talents.