jesseannie wrote:
I worked out of town on commercial construction jobs for many years. I stayed in my travel trailer that I kept at a long term park full hookups. When it got too cold and things started freezing up I took the trailer home and rented a room at a motel. I would get 8 1/2 to 9 months in the TT. I saved so much money and wear and tear on my car and body that I could afford the room in the winter.
I love being in the TT so much more than a room I could not wait for spring to come so I could get the TT out again.
BTW you can write off the cost of the camping fees and meals on your income tax. NOT the cost of the RV however.
that sounds pretty cool, but then I'd have to pay for both the camper and a room during the winter months. OOOOOWWWW!!