Forum Discussion

AuntieMaura's avatar
Jun 04, 2013


I did something stupid - when I left town for a few days I shut off my water and electricity...but forgot about refrigeration. I came home to spoiled food, which is not a big deal, but now the fridge and freezer don't get cold enough. Dometic 2807. I don't smell ammonia and there isn't any powder visible. It runs off a constant electric source, not gas. What can I do?
  • No the gas is on. In fact, I turned on the burner for awhile (boiled some water) just to see if that would help. The check light has been on for hours. I don't know how if fixed itself the last time but if I knew I would do it again! I tried turning the unit off for a few minutes but nothing.
  • AuntieMaura wrote:
    I'm not sure why but everything started working great again. Then today I tripped the breakers cleaning the carpet. The power was restored within a couple of minutes but now the check light is back on and the freezer is defrosting. What is happening?

    Most likely when the breakers tripped, it tried to switch to gas but the gas was possibly turned off. The Check light indicated ignition failure.
  • I'm not sure why but everything started working great again. Then today I tripped the breakers cleaning the carpet. The power was restored within a couple of minutes but now the check light is back on and the freezer is defrosting. What is happening?
  • Without a solid source of 12volt DC there is NO control signal to switch the cooling unit on. It doesn't matter whether the heat source to run the amonia cycle is electric (120volt) or propane. No control signal; no cooling.

    Be very aware that these are NOT household compressor cooled units. The cycle is conpletely different!
  • Adam ole buddy, the 12vdc is NOT for cooling, its power for the control board, which DOES need to be there for either 120vac OR propane for cooling operation.

  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    It sometimes takes 24 hours or more to cool it down.

    If it's not cold enough at 24 hours step one is to dig out the manual and do the routine maintenance bit (Clean and such)
  • You will not find a modern RV fridge that runs solely on 12volts . The RV fridge will always seek 120v AC as the FORST and FOREMOST source of power, to get the thing cold. After you plug it in to 120v electrical source, expect at least 18-24 hrs (playing it safe) until the fridge has reached the optimal "cold" and stable operating temp.

    Propane is the "secondary" means for optimal cooling. Starting the fridge solely on propane may take a bit longer to initially cool, when compared to 120v AC.

    If by chance you have an odd ball fridge that does run on 12v DC, that is only to help keep the thing cool AFTER it was started on either AC or propane first! 12v alone will never get an RV fridge cold initially.
  • even plugged into 120v you need a good battery, the frig uses 12volt for its controls. check battery.
  • AuntieMaura wrote:
    now the fridge and freezer don't get cold enough.?
    How long has it been on?