Maintenance might be one of your lowest costs. The biggest costs for my MH have been depreciation (I started the second year) and cost of money (loss of investment income in my case, but could be interest on a loan). Over ten years, these have averaged out to about $3000 a year, based on a $60,000 into the MH initially, scale to another price.
These, and items like insurance ($1000 a year), storage ($400 a year for me, but I know people payong over $2000 a year) and maintenance of and repairs to the house stuff (has been about $300-400 a year for me, with covered outdoor storage, can be much more in a harsher environment) will be more or less fixed, no matter how many miles you drive, how many nights you sleep in it.
Chassis maintenence costs will be more measured per mile, rather than per year, so it depends on how much you drive. For my C, and an A gasser will be similar except that tires will be a little more expensive, I'm seeing about 40 cents a mile fuel costs ($9000 for 36,000 miles) but that is going up. Oill changes, transmission fluid changes, a set of tires, brake maintenance, has added up to about $1800 over 36,000 miles, or 5 cents a mile.