For those that have to ask why a 55+ park let me just say that different people have different resons why they prefer it. And we understand that it may not appeal to everybody and they're entitled to their views and we respect that. No harm in asking the question if it's an honest question. We just ask, wether you understand it or not, please allow us to have our views and respect ours, likewise. It's all about live and let live.
For us it's not so much the kids as it is the young adults. Not all of them but those that think everybody wants to listen to their music...those that don't have respect for other people's space so they'll trapes right through your RV site without a second thought or consideration for your space...those that keep you up till midnight or later with their loud noise because they're having a good time....etc. etc.
My experience has only been at one 55+ RV Park but let me tell you that it's very nice there, very quiet, very respectful yet friendly people. And yes, some of them have grandkids visiting but they seem to have supervision and so it's not disturbing to others....not even in the middle of the day (for those that may be napping).
Jim, I happen to work in property management and have for many, many years. Let me just suggest to you that if you owned a 55+ community (apartments, RV park, mobile home park, etc.) that depending on location, demographics, etc. you may not be limiting potential customer base but rather enhancing it. People 55+ seek out age restricted projects and so they generally have a higher occupancy than a competitor in their area and management/ownership generally has less turnover (which means less expense).