Forum Discussion

Floridastorm's avatar
Jun 18, 2020

RVing with no mechanical capability

I have seen a lot of people suggest that one should not purchase an RV if one is not at least somewhat handy mechanically. Well, I am not handy mechanically at all and I'm also an old guy who cannot bend and crawl around in spaces trying to fix things I have no idea about.That being said:

Would appreciate detailed feedback from RV owners who are also not handy mechanically or physically but who went ahead anyway and purchased an RV. How are you all doing out there? Looking to purchase a used Class C, B, or Truck Camper. Not a Class A. Will have an RV mechanic go over it in detail before purchase to insure that most everything is at least in working order, there are no leaks, and there is no structural breakdown. I am not going to purchase an extended service plan as I hear they are mostly scams. However, I will purchase good RV insurance and a good roadside assistance plan.

Ok, take me through the pros and cons, the good, the bad, and the ugly if you will. Very interested to hear from others that have gone through a similar situation.

Thank You in advance for your able assistance.
