Forum Discussion

KoolKamper's avatar
Mar 24, 2013

Screen door latch

How many times have you replaced your screen door latch, I have now put #4 on in three years because of a 5 cent spring breaking and cannot find a replacement spring so have to dish out between $10 and $15 for a new latch. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • I guess I'm fortunate also...I've never replaced one. A refrigerator, yes, a screen door latch, never. I live in the country though, and my local hardware store has a huge selection of springs (small local place, not a big box store) time you are out traveling and pass through a little "town", stop by their hardware store and check; they may have just what you are looking for and they would be cheaper than buying a whole new assembly, you could buy 3 or four for next to nothing and have them on hand for the next time.
  • It was the plastic breaking on mine that caused me to replace it. It is a pain but I noticed that the alignment was the key, the idea is that the plastic handle must be low/high enough for the main door to hold it open just enough but when separated to close and latch on the door jam.
  • We are on our 4th. or 5th.! They are the most worthless RV product there is! Just be happy it is one of the cheapest RV things you can purchase. They do make a metal one, but haven't tried them yet. There are also some magnetic mods herein ( forums). We should be able to but that spring by the hundred for a few bucks, but NO..LOL