Zoning laws/restrictions are first obstacle.......many paces do not allow living in trailers (RVs). Manufactured homes & mobile homes might be OK but that doesn't necessarily mean RVs are.
Land prep (septic, power pedestal, water connection) can be expensive up front monies.
Living in an RV is NOT necessarily cheaper than apt/house living.
Heating/cooling costs can be more than S&B house.
Have you spent much time in an RV. Small quarters can get to some folks. Sure it might be OK for a week or so BUT 24/7365 is a different story.
We Full Timed for 7 yrs. and enjoyed it. Would still be on the road if 'life' hadn't thrown a curve BUT we traveled.
Being 'parked' we knew wasn't going to work for us in the 5vr......alot of the above reasons applied.
Yes many folks have done it. Research.
And if possible.........take a long, long trip in an RV first.