I'm in the same decision process. I'm going to retire in 1-2 years and I've been studying the options for about that long. I plan to live in the RV full-time so I want a big one. There are aspects I like about each of Class A, Class C, fifth-wheel, and bumper-pull trailers. I keep vacillating from one to the other, but I keep coming back to bumper-pull trailers. I think they are the best value for your dollar - the best bang for your buck. In other words, for the same square footage and amenities you spend less money. If money was no object I would get a big class A and pull a Jeep behind it, but money is an object for me. I need to budget what I spend, so for me a bumper-pull trailer will probably be the answer. They aren't as tall as a fifth-wheel and they put less weight on the hitch so you need less truck, too. And with a trailer I like that I can go new on the part with the motor and buy used on the part I live in. And I like that with a trailer if the tow vehicle is in the shop I still have my home.