Well I drive a class A.. But depending on how much "Junque" you carry I would recommend any size motor home first.. Reasons follow
But in the trailers "TT or 5ER" the answer is yes, either one.. One advantage of a TT is you can use a decent size pick up with cap to tow it and take advantage of the additional storage.. That's not so easy with a 5'er but 5'er's are supposed to be easier to tow and park.
Now why a Motor home?
First.. I will cover the absolutly WORST scenaro (Well next to worst) Engine failure.. happened to me.. Now I was lucky and my cell worked but had it not worked (And there are many parts of the US where it will not) I have a "Spare" as it were I can drive (The towed car) to seek help.
Worst case is a house fire... Sadly it makes no difference if a Motor home or a trailer on that one.. IF you can get unhooked fast.
Next. is the fact that as you travel. less you pay way way too much for bottled water (One store I know of sells bottled water.. chilled, for 12.80/gallon (1.69 for 16.9 OZ) and you thought Gasoline was expensive when it was over 4.00/gallon)
So if you drink the park water.. (I do, but filtered/filtered (Filtered 2 times m, differnet filters) You occasionally have an urgent need to sit somewhere....
Ok so you made it to the rest area.. but it's pouring down rain.. You get out and run to the faciclites.. I just step to the rear of the "house" and use the Indoor plumbing.
There are additional advantages to the big Class A as well
I put over 200 in gas into mine over the last two days.. YES it drinks a lot of gasoline.... About 8 miles per gallon.
But when I go to church tomorrow (in the towed) 25MPG. It's an old towed.
Normally I don't drive the house every day.. Just once every week or two.. This month is .. Odd.. but I've spoken to folks with comparable size trailers, and when hooked up they get comparable Millage (About the same) but when they run to the store in that big honking pickup. .. Dang few hit 20MPG.