I have used a pretty good variety of brands of tongue jack (Barker, Ultra FAb, DTH and several others). Every one of them has done exactly what it's supposed to do (goes up when the button is pushed and goes back down when it's reversed). I'd buy the one that you can purchase for the best price. The only thing I've found that really matters is that some have a better in line fuse than others. Had one brand (I believe it was an Ultra Fab) that the fues holder was continually becoming corroded because it was not water tight. Fially put a fuse holder from a motorcycle shop in it's place and never had another problem. I think the cost of doing the upgrade was about $3.00
I am CURRENTLY using a DTH brand jack 2500 lb. for my 1,250 lb. trailer tongue and it has worked flawlessly since i purchased the trailer some 7 years ago.