Forum Discussion

  • As per the Forum Rules:

    * You may include URLs or active links to commercial sites for the purpose of expanding on comments or providing additional information as part of regular forum interactions.


    * You may not use the Open Roads Forum to either advertise or promote commercial endeavors. This includes direct posts, member name, URLS in your profile or signature, as well as, active links to other sites on the Internet.

    The key words in the "may" are "...for the purpose of expanding on comments..."

    So, since this did not start out as a discussion about doing one's homework and the OP providing it as a useful link, but instead, simply posted the link, the context falls primarily to the latter than the former.

    While I checked to see if there is an association between the OP and the web site/it's owner, rather than deleting the thread entirely, I'll merely close it and chalk it up to forum newbie "faux pas."
  • Halmfamily wrote:
    Good article. I'll add:
    1) Know what you need not necessarily want.
    2) If financing pre-qualify ahead of time so you know your terms and you might get a better rate than the dealer can offer.
    3). Know your vehicle ratings, don't rely on dealer.
    4). Don't fall for the extended warranty trap. Self insure.
    5). Research the price and negotiate hard. I made this mistake on my first RV.
    6). Have fun and don't rush. Its a big decision.

    Thank you I would keep that in mind for buying my next motorhome. I am still searching thinking about buying a fifth wheel travel trailer, but not still haven't made up my mind yet.
  • 2gypsies wrote:
    This is an ad by the OP....not allowed.

    no I was just browsing nearby RV dealerships around my area and found their website and thought this would be useful not an AD.
  • 2gypsies wrote:
    This is an ad by the OP....not allowed.

    Yeah...I don't know anyone who is so much of a "newbie" so as to need that article. Not very useful.
  • Good article. I'll add:
    1) Know what you need not necessarily want.
    2) If financing pre-qualify ahead of time so you know your terms and you might get a better rate than the dealer can offer.
    3). Know your vehicle ratings, don't rely on dealer.
    4). Don't fall for the extended warranty trap. Self insure.
    5). Research the price and negotiate hard. I made this mistake on my first RV.
    6). Have fun and don't rush. Its a big decision.