No one is gonna be able to tell you what YOU should do.. :)
Until you tow something with something, you will have no idea how good or bad that tow experience is going to be for YOU...
Ask yourself this one question... How do you feel about having to put the gas pedal to the floor at times, and also revving the engine to over 4000 rpms at times to get up some grades.
It ain't gonna be like going to the grocery store towing anything with weight behind it, no matter what the combo is, so I'd say learn the same way we all did... Try it out and go from there.
Sure, you can get an F350 to tow a pop up, but there is a lot in between that works well too..
I'd say your chosen combo will work the Kia pretty good, but if you are ok with that, enjoy... If you don't want to see the tach go over 3000 rpms, you might need to re-think it..
Good luck!