Everyone has different priorities. Backup cameras remove the difficult of hitching up a travel trailer so that is off the table. A 5th wheel will provide moore interior space for its length and past a certain weight a 5th wheel hookup is required.
With a travel trailer you have the full use of the bed of the truck and with a cap or shell it becomes a large easily accessed storage space and a roof rack opens up additional options. I prefer to have bicycles and fishing gear in the bed of the truck. I prefer to carry kayaks on the roof rack that is on the cap.
It is certainly possible to mount a bike rack on a trailer and haul around bikes that way. It is possible to get an inflatable boat or kayaks and inflate them each time you want to use them and deflate them before leaving a campground. We did the inflatables and it did not work for us and the way we like to travel. Our bicycles are too nice to have mounted on a bike rack where they can be stolen and damaged by the elements.
But these are two different usage profiles and you need to decide which is a better fit for you. I have found that the easier it is to do something the more often I will do it so spend what is needed to make it as easy as possible. If you don't care about hainvg large toys with you then a motorhome is the best RV and the people we know who have had 5th wheels have all migrated to motorhomes.