Forum Discussion

tmet01's avatar
Sep 08, 2015

Travel Trailer Shopping

Wife, Dog, and I will be buying a travel trailer soon. We'll be part time campers. Tow vehicle is a 2016 Tacoma with towing package. We're looking at the 2016 Forest River Mini Lite 2109 as our first trailer. Any comments or advice welcome. PM if you like.
  • I was sold on that very model last month until the husband vetoed it. We were downsizing, but coming from a 39' was too extreme for him. We went with a 25' trailer which allowed for a larger slideout.

    I thought the layout in the 2109 was very smart. The countertop space is roomy for a small unit, lots of drawers, convenient under bed storage, good sized tanks, and all the other features are what you would find in a larger trailer. Be sure you're both comfortable with the sofa/table combination as your only seating area, and the jackknife sofa isn't the most comfortable bed for guests. But this is a great trailer for two!
  • To help you decide on what RV to buy you could go to and read Joe and Vicki’s suggestions and/or download their e-book `RV Buyers Homework’, which walks you through the process of choosing the best RV for your needs, selecting the right floor plans and features, determining the RV’s cargo-carrying and towing capacities and evaluating its livability. (Nov-Dec Highways, pg. 21) and the Better Business Bureau have a DVD that covers the same subject
    ( and Chuck Woodbury has an ebook with similar advice.