Terryallan wrote:
first. thank you for stepping up when so many others ran. You sir are a real American.
so I don't know what your injuries are. But think about this. The 5ers are much higher than TTs, and have more steps to enter. also once inside. You will be climbing up, and down stairs constantly, Go to bed, go to the bathroom, get out of bed go outside. You are looking at a unit that is really hard on your knees, and back. however. they do have more storage, but need larger TVs.
Travel Trailers on the other hand. Do have less storage. But they are closer to the ground. Most have only 2 steps up and in. and once in. they are flat. Not nearly as hard on your body. And many can be towed with full size SUVs, or F150s, or 1500 GMs, and Rams
I agree fully. A TT would be the best bet if steps are an issue.
Another thing to consider though is a 5er is typically easier to hook up as you don't have to bend over to hook up chains and weight-distribution bars. Again, not knowing your injuries on this.
Have you considered a Class B or C motorhome. They would require absolutely no hooking up or disconnecting from a tow vehicle, but obviously to go places, you would have to unhook power/water/etc unless you have a car/truck towed behind it.
Best bet is to go visit a show or dealer and go in everything you can and weigh your options.