doxiemom11 wrote:
We have never parked in a parking lot, but go to rv parks and campgrounds even if for just 1 night. I do understand the convenience of just being able to pull off the highway into a parking lot, sleep a few hours and get right back on and continue on your way. That is not how we travel even though many do.
It's a little more than that. Most CGs are nowhere near to the Interstates as are the WalMart stores and truck Stops. Few of us, tired and ready to rest for the night want to drive another 10 miles or more to a CG, in the dark, in a place we're not familiar with. We don't want or need hookeups to sleep. And why pay $25+ to sleep? Also, there are no places in the CGs for weary travelers to run in and buy something decent to eat. On our way to and from Fl we usually spend the 2 nights on the road at WalMarts. What I especially love about the nights there is they're very close to the Int's and they have fresh FOOD! We can always get a hot rotisserie chicken and chilled macaroni and potato salad for dinner. :) No one feels like cooking or eating cold sandwiches for dinner after being on the road a good part of the day. We eat off paper plates using plastic utensils that are discarded in a trash can on the way out in the morning. The WM lots are not as noisy as some people claim. By 10 PM they're pretty quiet. The only noise problems we've ever had was from those who came in with RVs that had generators. The inconsiderate RV owner would park next to those of us sleeping in our TTs and truck campers. They disturbed the peace with noise and their exhaust pollution. Truckers have enough sense and are considerate enough to park bit away from the RVs. I can see why one man got so incensed he slashed the tires on the Class-A that came in around 1 AM and woke everyone up in his TT. :(
Oh, let me add he asked the MH owner to pull-up or shut the gen' off so they could get back to sleep. The MH owner sassed him and slammed the door in his face so-to-speak.