Shunpikers wrote:
I'm not in the RV Park business but it seems that some who are already agree with me:
We have come across a few signs along the way saying "Overnighters Welcome: $10.00 no services. Sani dump $5.00"
The Hilton doesn't think they can get the business that goes to hostels but they also don't try to shut them down. In some municipalities, RV park owners are trying to get ordinances against Walmart parking and don't tell me they aren't. I've had this discussion in person with a campground owner who was doing just that.
If all I want is a salad and every restaurant in town makes me pay for a three-course meal which includes it, how long will it be before one savvy restauranteur realizes that giving me what I want (even if I only spend $3.50) is a good business move. (He could seat me right beside his sumptuous desert display).
I didn't join this conversation to argue about it. I'm not looking for YOUR views, westernrvparkowner, but for those of RVers who now stop at Walmarts. Would you choose a parking-only spot if offered at RV parks? How likely are you to spend a few more dollars while there - we all need an rv dump, propane fill, laundromat. Would you be more likely to return to that park at a time when you do want a full-service site?
Like I have posted dozens of times before, anyone who thinks the local campground owner has the political clout to take on Walmart needs to think again. I am sure there are campground owners who try and impose parking restrictions. But what does that have to do with the viability of $10.00 RV sites. If the ones you have come across in your travels are so darn successful, why haven't they expanded across the country? If you are so sure that once that $10.00 guy is in your park you will sell them so many other services you will make a fortune, have at it. Like I said, the playing field is wide open. You need to be in contact with the other posters who also think this is the cat's meow, pool your money and build a $10.00 RV site empire. But that won't happen because the people who are real quick to tell others how to run their businesses are either to scared or too lazy to go out and do it themselves. Funny how the people who know the absolute least about how to manage an RV park seem to be the owners. But you just keep telling us what we should be doing and we'll either keep taking your money while doing it our way, or watch you enjoy another peaceful night in a Walmart parking lot.