westernrvparkowner wrote:
WyoTraveler wrote:
Yes. It isn't Walmart but local RV parks that are getting restrictions because they feel they are losing money. There is an app "rvparky" that lists the Walmarts that allow over night parking. Since we do a lot of traveling in the winter when RV parks are closed I just by pass those towns.
So true. Yet another example of big business (the local RV park) stomping on the rights of the little guys (Walmart). As we all know, these giant corporations have all the politicians in their pockets. Maybe the Federal Trade Commission should be notified and these huge mega RV parks can be broken apart under the fair trade practices act. They are obviously acting in a monopolistic and illegal way. They should be busted up.
I can sympathise, but: We often arrive late and leave early. Are you there? Do you have space? If I don't have exact change do I have to leave a tip? How happy are the neighbours (your longer term clients) going to be with us pulling in at 10:30 or 11:00 at night, unhooking the jeep, then restarting the Cummins, backing into the spot (which we can hardly see because it is dark) putting down the jacks and putting the slides out while the engine in running (as per the owners manual). Then we have to take the dogs out for a walk. Then at 6:00AM we take the dogs out again for their morning constitutional, then at 6:30 AM we start the diesel, idle a couple of minutes while the air pressure comes up, pull out, shut down, hook up the jeep, restart the engine and off we go.
$30.00 a night? 40? More?
We just want to sleep. We don't need the swimming pool, hot tub, laundry, pool table, store, etc etc.
We have come across a few signs along the way saying "Overnighters Welcome: $10.00 no services. Sani dump $5.00"
And we have stopped there, often a little earlier than planned.
By the way, we rarely shop at Walmart. We don't like Walmart or any of the Giants. The only times we do shop at Walmart are when we need to overnight there and need something, or while enroute there is something that we need because at Walmart 1) you always know what they will have or won't have (they are all the same) and 2) you know you can get in there with the rig and tow car.