As so many others have stated, it's buyer beware when purchasing an extended warranty. Nothing is more important than reading the fine print and understanding EXACTLY what is and isn't covered. Also just as important to fully understand the claim process.
Back when we bought our first DP, we were petrified of the possibilities for huge repair bills. We decided that for at least the first few years, an EW was something we wanted. After lots of research, we settled on an XTRA-RIDE PLATINUM policy. Not inexpensive by any means, but it covered everything we expected and they were a pleasure to deal with. We never did recover our premium in claims, but we did have a couple of repairs that were handled quickly and without question. e.g. They sent a tech to our campsite to replace a failed alternator.
EW is insurance, plain and simple. Getting one depends on your tolerance for risk and financial situation. If a repair costing a couple of thousand dollars will cripple you and leave your rig dead in your driveway, an EW may make sense. If you have your potential purchase thoroughly inspected by a competent mechanic, it comes down to your risk tolerance. ;-)