Our trailer has a 35gal fresh tank, 35 gal black and 70 gray. Wife and I can g ppl o at least a week on fresh. We spit bath for a couple of days and then shower. When running the shower waiting for warm water we catch it in a half gallon milk jug and use it for flushing. We use purell for hand cleaning after using the toilet. Baby wipes are good too. I rigged a pump in the front storage area near the tank fill. I run the hose in the jerry can, flip a switch and in about 10 minutes can pump 15 gal into the tank. Waste water we can get two weeks without dumping.
Get a gas gen and dive in. We travel to places that suit our clothes, wheels are a wonderful invention. You’ll come up with all kinds of tricks to make it work.
Boondocking; it made me hate sardine parks.
Happy travels!!!