Forum Discussion

Calicajun's avatar
May 20, 2015

Water Heater Confusion

While out camping the water heater started spewing out water from the upper release pressure valve. My first thought was the valve is bad, which it was, but also wonder if the thermostat was not working and the water was just to hot.

As it turned out it was just the pressure valve. Here where the confusion starts. The water heater has three different ID markers on it all saying the heater is an Atwood heater. So I go to CW to buy a $31.00 dollar pressure valve and leave the store $140.00 later (that is another story about the wife). Go to install the new valve and it doesn't fit. Turns out my water heater take a Suburban water heater. I buy a another Suburban valve and everything now works great.

Point, always take the old part in with you before buying. :o
  • Sounds like you learned two lessons. Make sure of the part, and don't take your wife with you to CW if you just need a simple part. :B
  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    midnightsadie wrote:
    CW ripped off another camper. you can buy the valve at any store for about $15.bucks . CW must dip theres in gold plating.
    It's not just CW, same thing applies to boats, atv's or many other things, as soon as you say a part is specifically for an RV, Boat, etc. the price doubles, years ago, I went to buy a new horn for my boat, found the exact one I needed at an auto parts store for exactly half of what it was at the boat dealer.
    I had my ATV at the dealer for some work, so while it was there I had them change the plugs, when I picked it up, learned it was over $5 a plug. Shortly after, I found the exact same plug at NAPA for slightly over $2.
  • Part of the problem can be from having the WH overfilled. You should have an air pocket in the tank to absorb the pressure due to expansion of the heated water. Basically, once you fill the water system turn off the water supply or turn off the pump, then open the pressure release valve and drain of water until it stops running then close the valve. Now you will have an air space. Do it when the water is cold in the tank. You may have to do this periodically due to absorption of air into the water.
  • CW ripped off another camper. you can buy the valve at any store for about $15.bucks . CW must dip theres in gold plating.
  • What markers on it say Atwood?

    Suburban would not label one of their water heaters with Atwood markings.

    Temperature/Pressure Relief Valves (Suburban or Atwood) are either 1/2" or 3/4" threads. Both use the 2 different sizes

    Can also buy T&P Relief Valves at Home Depot, Lowes, ACE