I use a 35 psi regulator on my waste tanks only. City water connection makes great hose holder once you get out hose to fill fresh water tank for self contained mode. To much to go wrong with unlimited water supply and plastic.
RV's supposed to be checked by manufacture to 55PSI (I believe is the latest) when being made. Of course that's before they bounce down the road and connections loosen up from pipes getting hot and cold or vibration.
What did your manufacture put in for plumbing? Solid pex with crimped fittings or connections made with hose clamps?
If buying new I would insist when doing PDI to include a water pressure check with a gauge to 55 psi.
Just me others do different.
Here is latest water mess...
https://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/28632057/gotomsg/28632920.cfm#28632920More info if interested...