I am going to give you some links to examples of tools you may wish to carry. NOTE: Not necessarly recommending this brand (True Value Hardware is the catalog)
Crafstman (Sears/K-mart and selected hardware stores) used to have fantastic warranty (lifetime) but they have downgraded.
Snap On still has a very good warranty
And harbor freight is 1 year Really good stuff.
Battery operated screwdriver/Drill, Mine is less expensive than this (like 20 bucks) comes with screwdriver bitsAs others have said a #2 Square or Robertdson bit fort the drill.
As others have said a #2 Sqauare or Robertdson bit fort the drill.
A set or 2 of wrenches. This one is rataching box end/open end. Nice set, many options I do not have this. but use a more standard combination wrench setA 3/8" socket wrench set is handy as well. You may also wish to have some half inch and 1/4 inch sockets. (size refers to teh driver not the socket's size)
As others have said a #2 Square or Robertdson bit fort the drill.
Pliars. Locking 'Rib Joint' And Long nose needle nose are the most imortantAnd an assorted screwdrivers
NOTE: many AUto, hardware, Sears, Wal*Mart type stores sell "Kits" that contain most everything on the list except the battery operated screwdriver/drill.
Tire Pressure guage is also useful.