I'm new to 'trailering', being in my second year. What I've learned so far is to visit lots of rv dealerships, but not on the same weekend! Everything all begins to look the same and you can't remember anything. I was stuck on a certain floor plan (bunkhouse) to accommodate my adult single children who wanted to camp with me (I'm single, 63, female). However, after using the TT for one season, I realized I didn't like the floor plan, so I traded it in for a rear kitchen. The banquette will easily sleep an adult, as will the couch (and I get the queen size bed!). More usable floor space. Also the bathroom is bigger and has a shower, not the crappy tub my other one had. It's also of a higher quality--better stabilizer jacks, etc. You might be better off to rent some for the first season (a couple of our rv dealerships rent, as well as a mini-storage place) so you can decide what floor plan really works for you. Remember that your kids will grow quickly, so plan for that, too. I was misled by not only the dealership, but my car dealership as to what my truck could tow, and when I traded up on my TT, I wasn't happy with how my truck towed, so I had to get a better truck. Now I'm happy, but not with all the payments! Don't believe anything the RV salesmen tell you; I've learned all about looking at your owner's manual for your truck to see what weight it can tow safely. I also upgraded the tires and had rear-suspension air bags installed. Safety is my thing! Good luck