You'll get a lot of different opinions. The other thing is your setup would be an in betweener. Some folks would want more power and more truck. Some would be content with that setup. My opinion is larger travel trailers are best handled by 3/4 ton trucks and bigger. Hills, crosswinds, headwinds and passing semi's will give you cause for concern. But you can do it if you're not in a hurry and you're willing to pull over when weather and winds dictate it. You're small v8 will strain and rev high to get up hills but it will do it. I guess it comes down to how much towing you will be doing and in what kind of terrain. 3-4 hour weekend trips in good weather on flat terrain should be no problem. If you want to travel the country and criss cross the rockies back and forth you'll likely want more truck. A travel trailer is big sail and is one of the worst, if not the worst, towing trailer there is. A 9000lb boat or flat bed would probably tow nicer then the 7000lb TT you're looking at. So I say you can do it but with some limitation, extra caution, and reduced speed for safety (60ish, no more then 65)