Jim, as long as you are hooked up to power you will have no problems at all and will get to experience all the benefits of a more dependable fridge. One of those not mentioned yet, is how they cool even when it gets really hot outside. They are better in all ways.....except.......when you are not plugged in.
I have an Airstream and they went to these in all new units. I boondock a lot and I can run my fridge for days without issue. The typical Airstream owner, not all by any stretch, use full hookup sites. Those who don't have changed over to a solar power system hooked into lithium battery banks which work quite well while off the grid. They have also changed everything over to an on demand hot water system which is counterintuitive when you think about saving water. But....you didn't ask about that, did you? Anyway, you are going to like your new fridge. Give that 2% time some thought.