Per the Craigslist ad, it's actually in fairly decent shape for that age, BUT, that said and at that age, pay no attention to the mileage. (in that era, the mileage of a used vehicle was easily . . . . . adjustable) Look closely at the interior roof line above the bed. (above the cab) Water damage. If you have lots of enthusiasm, (per the ad, the current owners ran out) are very handy, very patient, have lots of tools, lots of time, lots of cash, a place to work on it, and are looking for a never ending project that is often unusable, often unreliable, and you LOVE the idea of restoring a polluting piece of history that gets horrible gas mileage, then jump right in. If not, move on.
IMO, the current owners have already spent a lot of money on this project, and then just gave up realizing that they were in "overwhelm" mode.
Watch the movie "The Money Pit(1986) " starring Tom Hanks and Shelly Long. If you buy this vehicle, this is a prelude of what to expect.
Chum lee