REMCO's recommendations, by and by, are pretty good. Looking at MoHoMagazine's 2017 Dinghy Towing List, there are NO (Zero, Goosegg, Zip) Subaru vehicles. For that reason, I'd say "look at an owner's manual." MoHo claims they list only those vehicles approved by the manufacturer. Other sites may list those "that work", "those we've tested", etc. Manual transmission Subaru's WERE listed towable in owner's manuals and it seems thy no longer are. MoHo would pick up on that and no longer list them. REMCO might find the late models still use the same manual transmission as earlier ones listed as towable, and give them an "OK." It doesn't matter till you have a Warranty Issue. I didn't buy a Tacoma pickup because towing was not recommended. Salesman of course said "it's OK everybody does it." I went Nissan Frontier. Now I see those arent' listed.
If the trend continues, every Toad will be On or In a Trailer.