"The trouble is that you and I are coming at this from different perspectives. You have a 3/4 ton truck, I have a 1/2 ton. Different capabilities and different towing experiences. And you said it yourself, there is a lot of missing info the OP has not provided.
And just why would you need a hitch for a TC?"
I have or have had every flavor of pickup truck out there. 1/2 and 3/4 both sitting in the driveway every night currently. The 1/2 does waaay more towing then the 3/4, currently.
I do actually use a hitch behind the TC....to tow stuff...
It's hard to explain where a guy is coming from on the interwebs, but I've been hooking and pulling trailers behind class 2 to 7 trucks since about 15 years old (never drove semi, much, few dump trucks here n there, but not a truck driver). 100s of different trucks and somewhat equal number of trailers from "normal" to "get my picture on rvnet for towing that stupid bid load with that little truck."
Yes my hypothetical numbers may not match the OP's situation, but The principles are the same though and that trailer don't take THAT much weight off the front of the truck.
Like BenK and others said, there are other considerations and dynamic loading that increase or decrease weight transfer.