Forum Discussion

anon125's avatar
Jul 09, 2022

2022 towables 4 wheels down

Usually there is a pdf listing them all.
cannot find it today.
links anyone?
there are lots of silly ones, like the one that says 2022 CRV is towable- last crv that was towable was 2014!
thanks all
  • With the demise of motorhome magazine in 2020, gone too is the annual dinghy towing guide. My advice would be pick a few cars you like and review the manuals online to see if they can be flat towed. I wouldn't recommend taking a dealer's word for it. Also, you might find availability of any new 2022 car a challenge. There's a serious supply problem and when you do find one prices are going well over MSRP.
  • From CURT.

    Otherwise nada for me too