In my experience using a surge protector plugged into the camp pedestal and then the trailer power plugged into it, I can monitor the volts being supplied and the amps going out.
If you are actively using hot water and have it set to electric, that's when it's heating and drawing around the 12a load. If it's up to temp and still turned on, it's not drawing any load at that moment.
When the A/C is running, it's around 10a. When the fridge is on electric, I see it drawing around 3a.
Micro pulls around 10a when on HIGH.
The A/C, Micro and converter all have their own breakers in the trailer. The Fridge and all the plugs in the rig share the same breaker.
I can run the A/C, Micro and the fridge on electric at the same time when the A/C is actively cooling. It's drawing around 25a on the surge protector at that time.
I usually only turn on the electric water heater as needed or when the A/C is not running too.
If I do have the A/C on and the electric water heater is heating, it's drawing around the same as when it's off and the micro is on..
So..... I just make sure at least the Micro or the water heater is off when the A/C is also running.. It's just a matter of managing the load and just not switching everything "ON" and not monitoring.
I also run a coffee maker, electric space heater and other things drawing off the plugs in the rig. Since these share the fridge breaker, I can only run the coffee maker and unplug the space heater or vice-versa.. Not all at the same time.
I have been using an extension cord run too the pedistal in the 20a plug and run it in the trailer and plug the space heater into it, then I can run them all at once.. :)
Just my experience with it on my rig.