4x4van wrote:
Or do we both need a nap?:W
I could TOTALLY use a nap. :B
Sorry 4x4. It was just an observation after I had seen a few of your posts in other threads yesterday, but I stand by my "cranky" assessment. There's no harm in being a touch cranky from time to time though. Cranky is actually pretty mild compared to a lot of members' tones.
And as far as my comment yesterday, it looks like mine is a minority viewpoint. I still stand behind it though as part of a general do-undo-others philosophy, just like I avoid using the handicap stall in the men's room and I don't push my cart into the express checkout lane even though it doesn't say 15 Items or Less anymore.
There are a lot of things that I'm allowed to do but I avoid doing because they seem wrong to me. We all have our own compasses though.